Currently compiling links to all assets used... 
W - Move Forward
A - Turn Left
D - Turn Right
Spacebar - Shoot Lasers
E - Dock at Space Station (fly under it to dock)

* Smelting seems to be broken, as it does not add ingot to your cargo beyond the first one smelted. i.e. Smelting additional chunks will just "burn" them and not result in additional ingot
* Enemies stacking instead of colliding with each other
* When accepting a quest through the QuestPage, the ShopPage's Sell/Buy buttons and Cargo Label gets moved down offscreen for some reason. Closing and opening the Space Station Menu will fix.

Features that were planned but weren't completed:
* Smelt queuing (smelting more than one mineral chunk at a  time)
* Ship Body Upgrades for increased health and fire speed
* Enemy Difficulty Increase with your level

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